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Milestones in the history of Swiss transport
Gotthard Base Tunnel comes into operation
With the timetable change on 11 December 2016, SBB placed the Gotthard Base Tunnel in operation, reducing the travel time on the north-south Gotthard corridor by around 30 minutes. Around 50 passenger trains travel through the tunnel of the century each day. The number of freight services will increase from 160 to 210 trains in future.
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Künstlerische Aktionen Eröffnungsfeierlichkeiten
Am 1. Juni 2016 finden an den Portalen des Gotthardbasis-Tunnels künstlerische Aktionen statt. Mit musikalischen, choreographischen und bildnerischen Mitteln soll die Öffentlichkeit auf das Bauwerk und dessen Bedeutung sensibilisiert werden. Teile des künstlerischen Eröffnungsprogramms werden auch an den Publikumsanlässen (4. und 5. Juni 2016) zu sehen sein.
Das Team, welches die künstlerischen Aktionen durchführt, wird geleitet von Theaterregisseur Volker Hesse – in der Schweiz bekannt als Direktor des Zürcher Neumarkttheaters 1993-99, durch Inszenierungen in Bern und Basel, durch grosse Laienprojekte in der Innerschweiz (Einsiedler Welttheater 2000 und 2007, Altdorfer „Tell“ 2008 und 2012).
TV Spot Gottardo 2016
The Gotthard Base Tunnel: from sketch to construction
With construction of the flat route under the Alps, Switzerland has written an important chapter in the history of transport. From the initial sketch in 1947 for a base tunnel between Amsteg and Bodio to the final breakthrough between Sedrun and Faido in 2010, the plans had to be repeatedly redrawn: the recession in the 1970s and the disagreement among proponents of the different variants blocked the tunnel project for decades.
Facts and figures
11 years until final breakthrough...
Facts and figures
410-metre-long tunnel boring machine as a “rolling factory”...
The tunnel boring machine for the Gotthard was as long as four football fields laid end-to-end. The rock was cut away with the boring head and removed via a bucket wheel on a conveyor belt. Various safety mechanisms protected against rock-fall hazards. All materials and equipment were located on board the machine, from the power supply of the tunnel borer to the removal of the excavated material.
Facts and figures
28.2 million tonnes of excavated rock...
Facts and figures
43,800 hours nonstop to lay the slab track...
Facts and figures
325 trains per day...
Facts and figures
45 minutes faster in Lugano...