Artistic actions for opening ceremonies

Artistic actions for opening ceremonies

On 1 June 2016, artistic actions will be staged at the portals of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. Works of music, choreography and visual art are intended to raise awareness of the tunnel project and its significance. Selected highlights of the artistic opening programme will also be on view during the events for the general public (4 and 5 June 2016).The team carrying out the artistic actions is led by the theatre director Volker Hesse – known in Switzerland from his tenure as director of Theater Neumarkt in Zurich from 1993 to 1999 and through his work on productions in Bern and Basel and large-scale amateur theatre projects in Central Switzerland (Einsiedler Welttheater 2000 and 2007, Altdorfer „Tell“ 2008 and 2012).


Künstlerische Aktionen